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asked in TOM by (215k points)
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In a cam design, the rise motion is given by a simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)    S=$\frac{h}{2}\left ( 1-\cos \frac{\Pi \Theta }{\beta } \right )$   where h is total rise, $\Theta$ is camshaft angle, $\beta$ is the total angle of the rise interval. The jerk is given by                                                                                                                                                                    

(a)$\frac{h}{2}\left ( 1-\cos \frac{\Pi \Theta }{\beta } \right )$                    (b)$\frac{\Pi }{\beta }\frac{h}{2}\sin \left ( \frac{\Pi \Theta }{\beta } \right )$

(c)$\frac{\pi ^{2}}{\beta ^{2}} \frac{h}{2}\cos \left ( \frac{\Pi \Theta }{\beta } \right )$                         (d)-$\frac{\pi ^{3}}{\beta ^{3}} \frac{h}{2}\sin \left ( \frac{\Pi \Theta }{\beta } \right )$

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