A four stroke single cylinder petrol engine mounted on a motor cycle was put to load test. The load measured on dynamometer was 30 kg with drum diameter and speed respectively at 900 mm and 2000 rpm. The engine consumed 0.15 kg of fuel in one minute, the calorific value of fuel being 43.5 MJ/kg. The fuel supply to the engine was stopped and was driven by a motor which needed 5 kW of power to keep it running at the same speed, the efficiency of the motor being 80%. The engine cylinder bore and stroke are respectively at 150 mm and 200 mm. Calculate
(i) Brake power,
(ii) Indicated power,
(iii) Mechanical efficiency,
(iv) Brake thermal efficiency,
(v) Indicated thermal efficiency,
(vi) Brake mean effective pressure and
(vii) Indicated mean effective pressure.