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asked in TD by (215k points)
Consider the following statements

1.  Availability is the maximum theoretical work obtainable.

2. Clapeyron’s equation for dry saturated steam is given by $(V_{g}-V_{f}) = \frac{dT_{g}}{dP}(\frac{h_{g}-h_{f}}{T_{g}})$        

3. A gas can have any temperature at a given pressure unlike a vapour which has a fixed temperature at a given pressure.

4. Joule Thomson coefficient is expressed as $\mu = (\partial s/\partial p)_{h}$

Which of these statements are correct?

(a) 1,2 and 3                (b) 1,3 and 4

(c) 2 and 3                   (d) 1,2 and 4

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