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asked in IM&OR by (1.2k points)
A feasible solution to the linear programming problem should

(A) Satisfy the problem constraints
(B) Optimize the objective function
(C) Satisfy the problem constraints and non-negative restrictions
(D) Satisfy the non-negative restrictions

1 Answer

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answered by (1.2k points)

Answer: (C) Satisfy the problem constraints and non-negative restrictions

Feasible Solution: A solution which satisfies all the constarints of a linear program including non-negativity constraints. All the solutions that are part of feasible region are called feasible solutions

All the points in the feasible region (shaded region) are called feasible solutions.Shaded region also satisfies x1>=0, x2>=0 (non-negativity constraints).

Optimal solution: A feasible solution which maximizes the objective value (in case of maximization problem)  is called an optimal solution. It will be always one of the corner points of the feasible region.


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